


We all have been lost at some point and needed directions or guidance. Of course we have all heard the jokes that a guy is never lost. All joking aside though, we all need daily guidance from God’s Holy Spirit.

Acts 13:1-3 MSG

1-2 The congregation in Antioch was blessed with a number of prophet-preachers and teachers:
Simon, nicknamed Niger,
Lucius the Cyrenian,
Manaen, an advisor to the ruler Herod,
One day as they were worshiping God—they were also fasting as they waited for guidance—the Holy Spirit spoke: “Take Barnabas and Saul and commission them for the work I have called them to do.”
So they commissioned them. In that circle of intensity and obedience, of fasting and praying, they laid hands on their heads and sent them off.

Paul and Barnabas were gathered together with a group of believers. They were fasting and praying and waiting for guidance. The Holy Spirit spoke and commissioned Paul and Barnabas for a particular work. The group prayed over the two and sent them off to do the work.

Prayer and fasting as a group, and expecting guidance, was the key to their calling. When we read God’s word, pray and fast, we place ourselves in a position to hear from God. All the distractions are quieted down and we can hear that still small voice of God. Also when two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus, the Bible says that He, Jesus, is in the midst of them. So when we gather as a group, Jesus is there!

Another point is expectation. When we pray we should expect to hear from God, as we wait on Him to guide us and answer our prayers. Here in this passage we see that they were waiting for guidance. We usually only wait for something when we are expecting to get that something.

So let’s pray, fast and gather together. When we pray we should expect to receive answers and guidance. God gives great directions and we should never hesitate to ask for them. So let’s get the guidance we need and get to work. We all have a work that God has specifically called us to do!