All the way to the bone


There is an old saying that states, “Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone”. In other words no matter how beautiful or handsome the world may consider a person, when they have a bad disposition  their beauty and handsomeness is overshadowed by the ugliness that comes from their core.

2 Kings 13:20-21 (MSG)

20-21 Then Elisha died and they buried him.
Some time later, raiding bands of Moabites, as they often did, invaded the country. One day, some men were burying a man and spotted the raiders. They threw the man into Elisha’s tomb and got away. When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came alive, stood up, and walked out on his own two feet.

Elisha had passed away and was buried. Some men were in the graveyard burying another person, saw bad guys coming, and quickly disposed of the body by throwing it into Elisha’s tomb. When the body hit the bones of Elisha, the man came alive and walked out.

If ugly can go all the way to the bone, so can the anointing of God. God’s anointing, God’s power penetrated Elisha’s very being. That power was literally in his frame, his bones, even after death.

That is a truly a remarkable legacy. Elisha gave his life to God’s will and left a powerful impact on history. He was so full of the anointing of God that his earthy vessel, his bones, still had enough anointing to raise the dead to life.

We all should want to be vessels of God’s power here on earth, to complete His plan, not our own. We should want to be so connected to God that His power and anointing penetrates all the way to our core, our bones!

Beauty or ugliness, in fact, is not just skin deep but penetrates our being but so does God’s anointing. All we have to do is allow His beautiful presence into our lives and fully accept His nature to our core being. Then we will see our beautiful Godly destiny fulfilled here on earth.