Changing History


Changing history and our families history is possible. Our destiny is not controlled by the actions of our parents or some other previous generation. The direction of our lives are not predetermined or set in order by someone else’s actions. It is up to us to decide our fate. Jesus ensured that freedom when He purchased it with His life. Once we have accepted the free gift of salvation, that He paid for, we are now in a position to receive the blessings of God.

2 Chronicles 29:3-11 (MSG)

3-9 In the first month of the first year of his reign, Hezekiah, having first repaired the doors of The Temple of God, threw them open to the public. He assembled the priests and Levites in the court on the east side and said, “Levites, listen! Consecrate yourselves and consecrate The Temple of God—give this much-defiled place a good housecleaning. Our ancestors went wrong and lived badly before God—they discarded him, turned away from this house where we meet with God, and walked off. They boarded up the doors, turned out the lights, and canceled all the acts of worship of the God of Israel in the holy Temple. And because of that, God’s anger flared up and he turned those people into a public exhibit of disaster, a moral history lesson—look and read! This is why our ancestors were killed, and this is why our wives and sons and daughters were taken prisoner and made slaves.
10-11 “I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel and turn history around so that God will no longer be angry with us. Children, don’t drag your feet in this! God has chosen you to take your place before him to serve in conducting and leading worship—this is your life work; make sure you do it and do it well.”

King Hezekiah is a prime example of how one can determine their own outcome and not be destined to continue in the pathway they inherit. King Hezekiah’s father was King Ahaz which was a very wicked King. He had brought Judea to the point of ruin. King Ahaz had completely turned his back on God and boarded up the temple. When King Hezekiah began his reign he immediately turned things around. He started with himself and dedicated himself to pursue God. In His first month he reopened the temple and called upon everyone to turn back to God.

I love how he stated he wanted to turn history around and his instructions he gave to everyone not to drag their feet in pursuing God. We too can change history, the history of our families, our nation and the world. We first need to consecrate ourselves to God, clean up our own temples, our hearts. We need to pursue a relationship with Jesus, be swift in this and make it our lives work. When we, as the body of Christ, set our hearts towards God we will see our history turn around.

Our lives and our impact on history are directly correlated to the amount of earnest pursuit of seeking God through Christ. We are not destined to follow our fathers, mothers or previous generations mistakes. We are writing our history everyday. What will we write today?