Desert Water

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Deserts are no place to stop and have a picnic. Sure, there is plenty of sand but it’s not the beach side. Even if it were a beach side with an ocean full of water we couldn’t drink a drop. However, there is an Oasis to be found.

Psalm 63:1 (MSG)

God—you’re my God!I can’t get enough of you!I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts.

King David was in a very bad place, the Judean Desert. He was hungry, thirsty and completely stripped of anything the earth could offer. Yet in all this he praised God and in doing so he found an oasis, God Himself.

Many times in our lives we find ourselves in similar situations. Traveling across the dry and weary deserts of life. When we find ourselves in these places it can be overwhelming. Sometimes, the deserts we are in are very large and seem impossible to get out of. However, if we turn our hunger and thirst toward God, we will find the strength we need to make it through. We will discover He is our oasis.

God doesn’t bring evil into our lives. God is light and there is no darkness in Him. Jesus said in His Word that He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. However, when we find ourselves stripped of all that earth can offer, we are then in a position of choice. Do we turn to God or turn away from Him? King David began to praise God in the desert that he found himself in and began to eat and drink of God’s love. King David sang praises to God and like fountains from his lips, poured praises to His King. King David had found his Oasis of Love, God.

Finding ourselves in a place alone with God, stripped down to just the two, God and us, we begin to praise the only One who has the power to deliver us. There is nothing else that can set us free. Not our family, friends, job, health, possessions or strength can deliver us, only God.

Let’s be encouraged today in our desert places. Let’s turn to the author and finisher of our story, our faith, Jesus. He alone has the power to deliver and satisfy our thirst. Let’s praise Him in our circumstance and watch Him see us through to victory! God is our oasis in the desert of life and quenches our parched souls. Let’s go out today to lead others who are weary, thirsty and hungry to the oasis which is Jesus!