Don’t worry about it!

Hammock dont worry about it (2)

It is easy to get caught up in worry. If we watch the news for any length of time we can easily get caught up in worrying about all that is going on. Worry is contagious and is easily caught if we are not careful. Most people in the world think it’s normal to worry. As a matter of fact if we are not worried about something the world around us will think we are a little strange.

2 Kings 6:11-17 (MSG)

11 The king of Aram was furious over all this. He called his officers together and said, “Tell me, who is leaking information to the king of Israel? Who is the spy in our ranks?”
12 But one of his men said, “No, my master, dear king. It’s not any of us. It’s Elisha the prophet in Israel. He tells the king of Israel everything you say, even what you whisper in your bedroom.”
13 The king said, “Go and find out where he is. I’ll send someone and capture him.”
The report came back, “He’s in Dothan.”
14 Then he dispatched horses and chariots, an impressive fighting force. They came by night and surrounded the city.
15 Early in the morning a servant of the Holy Man got up and went out. Surprise! Horses and chariots surrounding the city! The young man exclaimed, “Oh, master! What shall we do?”
16 He said, “Don’t worry about it—there are more on our side than on their side.”
17 Then Elisha prayed, “O God, open his eyes and let him see.”
The eyes of the young man were opened and he saw. A wonder! The whole mountainside full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha!


The King of Aram was always plotting against Israel. God would reveal these plots to the prophet Elisha and then Elisha would tell the King of Israel. The King of Aram sent an army after Elisha. When they surrounded the city that Elisha was in, Elisha’s servant was worried frantic. Elisha told his servant there was no need to worry about it.

God has everything under control. If we belong to Him we need not worry at all. Elisha was totally confident in God’s ability to protect him. He knew God’s angels were always surrounding him, ready to fulfill the command of God and act upon his prayers to God.

Just like Elisha’s situation in the natural seemed impossible, at times our situations may seem so big, our obstacles so enormous that there may seem no escape. However, nothing is impossible with God. There is nothing impossible for those who believe and are called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus. That is us, we are the called.

We must put our faith in God and not in our circumstances. When we focus on and place our faith in our circumstances, we give them power to overcome us. When we focus on and place our faith in our God, we get His power to overcome any circumstance. Where we place our faith will determine the outcome of our situation.

His word says in Psalms 91 that He has His angels to guard us, to catch us if we stumble, keep us from falling and protect us as we walk unharmed among those who have ill intentions towards us. He also stated if we hold on to Him for dear life He will get us out of any trouble.

Just like Elisha, who never looked for trouble but never feared when trouble came looking for him, we need not fear either. So let’s not worry about it! God Himself has our backs, fronts, tops and bottoms!