
eye witness 2

An eyewitness testimony is solid enough to place a person in prison for life or to set someone free for eternity. We all have a witness, and we all share our witness daily. However, what we share is what makes the difference.

John 1:42-43 (MSG)

40-42 Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard John’s witness and followed Jesus. The first thing he did after finding where Jesus lived was find his own brother, Simon, telling him, “We’ve found the Messiah” (that is, “Christ”). He immediately led him to Jesus.

After hearing John’s witness that Jesus was the Messiah, Andrew followed Jesus. After finding where Jesus lived he went and found his brother Peter. Andrew shared with his brother Peter who the Messiah was and led him to Jesus.

We will never see the people around us begin to follow Jesus if they do not know who He is. They need a witness who is willing to share His description. How can anyone begin to follow something if they do not know what that something is?

We, who have discovered the goodness of God, are the eyewitnesses of His gift and grace of Jesus. We who have accepted His generous gift of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are called to the witness chair to give our testimony. It is up to us to share our experiences and testimonies with the world. We see that the first thing that Andrew did was to go find His brother Peter. Andrew first went and found a member his family. Our own family is great place to start sharing about our discovery of who the Messiah is.

If we truly want to show God’s love to those around us we will want to share this truth. It is up to us to give our witness to the facts. The Bible says that Andrew immediately led Peter to Jesus. We too should immediately go out and lead others to Christ.

We are sharing information or our witness every day to those we encounter in life. We can give witness of God’s gift, Jesus, which provides life and freedom or give witness of condemnation which brings death. We just need to keep in mind that every time we are sharing information with others we are in fact giving witness to something.

Our witness can set a condemned world free for eternity if we are bold enough to take the witness chair. We all know that there are people around us who are living under condemnation, imprisoned in shame and guilt from the weight of sin. They are being accused by the enemy of their soul and are in desperate need of freedom.

Our witness and knowledge of who has the ability to free those accused is crucial to their release. We cannot let fear of the courtroom keep us from taking the witness chair and telling what we know, the Truth, that Jesus is the Messiah!