Power Port

power port

Almost all cell phones come with a charger these days. Without the charger we can’t really enjoy all the wonderful benefits of the phone, because we will have no power. If we have an I-Phone an Android charger will not match the plug-in port and vice versa. So without the right charger to match our phone we are also stuck with a phone that is powerless.

John 14:15 (MSG)

15 “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you!

Jesus told His disciples in the Gospel of John that if they loved Him they would keep His commandments and that He would ask the Father and the Father would send them a friend, The Holy Spirit.

Obedience seems be a very unpopular word these days. However, God said He exalted His Son Jesus who was faithful and obedient unto death. The Father operated freely within Christ because of His obedience. Jesus’ obedience to the Father created an open channel for the Holy Spirit’s power to freely flow. Obedience creates the right plug-in for the Holy Spirit to connect and operate through. God is the Power source, we are the Jesus created cell Phone and the charger is The Holy Spirit. Obedience to the Holy Spirit’s Leading is creating the correct port for the power to connect to and flow through. Lack of obedience is like having a cell phone disconnected from the charger, it’s powerless.

The Love of God, must have a receiving port to operate in and through. God, which is Love, Power and Light, can only flow freely through an obedient plug or port. When we are obedient to the Holy Spirit’s direction we are providing a receiving port for His power to flow. Jesus stated He only did what He saw the Father do and say. That is how and why the Father could operate in power through Him on this earth. He had created a receiving port through obedience for the power to flow and could be trusted.

Jesus stated Himself it was not Himself that did the works but The Father in Him. If we want to see the powerful works of God operate in our lives we have to do our part by being obedient as Jesus was. We must provide a receivable port for the Holy Spirit to plug into so we can receive His free-flowing power. We do this by first by inviting Christ into our lives. Then we invite the Holy Spirit to work in and through us by following His instructions.

If we want to see the Spirit and Power of God operate in our lives as it did in Jesus’ we have to be obedient to the leading of God’s Holy Spirit and follow His commands.

We will make mistakes along the way because we are in this human frame. When we do fall short let’s be quick to get back on track by following God’s leading. As we read the Bible, pray and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading we will be providing the necessary port for God’s flowing power. Lets begin anew today by providing the correct obedience plug for the Holy Spirit and begin to experience the full measure of Gods power on this earth. We will be fully charged and ready for the Father’s call!