Rebuilding the broken

broken hearted

Building anything takes an effort. There can always be setbacks on any building project. We first start with a desire to build something, then we visualize how we want it took look and then finally we begin the really hard work of building the project. During the hard work phase is where we can encounter the most setbacks and temptations to give up.

Nehemiah 4:13-14 (MSG)

13-14 So I stationed armed guards at the most vulnerable places of the wall and assigned people by families with their swords, lances, and bows. After looking things over I stood up and spoke to the nobles, officials, and everyone else: “Don’t be afraid of them. Put your minds on the Master, great and awesome, and then fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”

Nehemiah was the cup-bearer to King Artaxerxes. He had heard of how Jerusalem was in such disarray from one of his brothers who had just returned from there. He was so upset he wept, fasted and prayed. He asked God for forgiveness and help for his people and Jerusalem.

As the cup-bearer, he one day was in front of the King. The King saw he was upset and asked why. Nehemiah told him the condition of his ancestors’ city and he asked King Artaxerxes if he could go back to Jerusalem and help rebuild the city.

After receiving permission from the King and arriving in Jerusalem, he wasted no time getting busy. However, the old enemies of Judah were very upset that anyone was working on the city. They began to harass the workers and threatened to attack. Nehemiah prayed for God’s help and encouraged the people not to be afraid but to keep their minds on The Master. He reminded them of how great and awesome God was and that they should be ready to fight, knowing that God would be the one to deliver them. He told them to fight for their families.

When we look around in the world today we don’t have to go further than our own neighborhood to see the brokenness and despair. Just as Nehemiah wept, fasted and prayed to God for the healing of Jerusalem and his people’s brokenness, we should do the same for the brokenness of the world surrounding us.

We have been given a commission and permission by King Jesus to go and rebuild the brokenhearted just as Nehemiah had permission from King Artaxerxes to go and rebuild Jerusalem. Our rebuilding project is the rebuilding of broken lives that can only be made whole again by introducing them to the Master Builder, Jesus. Our job is to pray, fast, go out and introduce.

Just as Nehemiah faced enemies, we too will face enemies who will try to stop us from our assignment. These old enemies come in all kinds of forms. Some are human, some are addictions, some mental anguish of despair, hopelessness, depression or anxiety. They will try to get us to fear and ultimately give up on our assignment to rebuild the brokenhearted. They will tell us to give up on our families, neighbors, friends and even ourselves.

God has called each one of us to go and rebuild the brokenhearted. Our weapons are not made of steel but are made up of God’s own words, His commands. We are fighting for the very lives and souls of every man, woman and child on the earth. We are fighting for our families and even ourselves.

We must keep our minds on The Master Jesus. We need to keep The Word of God in our hearts and speak His written promises with our mouths. Most of all we need not fear. If God is for us there is no enemy that can ever stop us! Jesus conquered death and has given us the gift of life through acceptance of Him as our Lord and Savior! We are secure now, so let’s go and rebuild.