See the Difference


It is easy to see differences when we can see. If we do not have our sight there are no differences to see, everything is the same, darkness. That sounds like a plain enough statement but when we claim to have sight and still can’t see differences, we are truly blind and in the dark.

Acts 26:17-18 (MSG)

17-18“‘I’m sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I’m sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me.’

Apostle Paul was being accused by the Jews of blasphemy. They wanted to see him killed for going against their established beliefs and religion. Apostle Paul had appealed to Caesar but while waiting to be sent to Rome he was brought before a visiting King and Queen to be heard. Apostle Paul recounted his story of conversion where a blinding light stopped him in his journey and how that Jesus had spoken to him. He began to tell the crowd the instructions he received from Jesus. How that Jesus instructed him to go and open the eyes of those who did not know the Truth so they could see the difference between dark and light, so they could choose light, see the difference between satan and God, and choose God. He also told them how Jesus was sending him to offer them His forgiveness of their sins and a place in the family, to offer people a chance to begin real living by believing in Him.

I love this story because it is the same instructions given to us by Jesus today. We cannot get upset when a blind person steps on our toes, after all they cannot see. The same way we should not be upset when someone who is spiritually blind does something to offend us or sins against us, after all they are spiritually blind. They do not know the difference between light and dark, satan or God.

The Bible says (in Romans 10:14-15 paraphrased) how can they know unless they are told and how can they be told unless someone goes and tells them. That is what we are instructed to do, go and tell.

We were once blind but now we see. We were once lost but now are found, by the Grace of God. God is sending each and every one of us off into the world to offer His present of sins forgiven through Jesus. So everyone can be free to choose between light and darkness, satan or God. Until we deliver that message we cannot complain or be upset that our toes are being stepped on by the spiritually blind.

So let’s go out today and share this message. Let’s help our lost brothers and sisters in the world receive their sight. When everyone has heard this message encapsulated in love we will see the world around us begin to change and God’s glorious light will flood the earth!

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