Simple message


simple message pen

Some instructions are very hard to understand. We all have been tasked with putting something together at some point. It can be quite difficult and it seems there are always a few parts to spare. However, there are some instructions that are as plain as the nose on our faces.

Acts 10:34-36    (MSG)

34-36 Peter fairly exploded with his good news: “It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from—if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open. The Message he sent to the children of Israel—that through Jesus Christ everything is being put together again—well, he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone.”

There was an Italian captain named Cornelius. He was a good man who prayed to God and helped his neighbors. An angel appeared and told him that God had noticed all he had done and wanted him to send for Peter. Then the angel told him where Peter could be found. Cornelius followed the instructions and sent for Peter.

Peter, meanwhile, had a vision from God that there was nothing unclean and that it did not matter where you were from or your race. God told him in the vision that he was about to have visitors and that he was to go with them.  Peter left with the visitors and proceeded to Cornelius’ home.

Once he arrived at Cornelius’ house Peter exclaimed the good news of God’s truth to him and the crowd that had gathered at his home. Peter said nothing could be plainer; it makes no difference who you are, where you’re from. If you want God and are ready to do as He says, the door is open.

That door Peter is speaking about is Jesus Christ. The Bible says He is the only door a person can go through to get to God. Jesus earned that right through His obedience unto death. However death had no right or power over Him due to His sinless life. His divine blood was shed on the cross for our sins. He rose from the dead three days after His crucifixion and now sits at the right hand of the Father. All those that call out to Him will be saved, rescued.

All who call upon Jesus will be rescued! The message of the Gospel is a simple message but it is also the most powerful message anyone will ever hear.  There are people right now watching and waiting for someone to show up with that message.

People are hurting, hopeless and are in desperate need of someone to rescue them. If we do not share this message of hope how will they ever hear the message?  If they never hear, how can they be rescued? It is up to us, the messengers of the Gospel, to share the message of Good News that Hope is here, right now in this dark world. His name is Jesus! He cares and loves the world dearly. All that is needed is to call out to Him today!