Small things matter

Even the small things hand

Small things matter in relationships and details are significant. If we forget a birthday or anniversary feelings can be hurt. The kind and considerate small things we do for one another are like strands in a rope. They connect us together in relationships that are not easily broken.

2 Kings 6:1-7 (MSG)

1-2 One day the guild of prophets came to Elisha and said, “You can see that this place where we’re living under your leadership is getting cramped—we have no elbow room. Give us permission to go down to the Jordan where each of us will get a log. We’ll build a roomier place.”
Elisha said, “Go ahead.”
3 One of them then said, “Please! Come along with us!”
He said, “Certainly.”
4-5 He went with them. They came to the Jordan and started chopping down trees. As one of them was felling a timber, his axhead flew off and sank in the river.
“Oh no, master!” he cried out. “And it was borrowed!”
6 The Holy Man said, “Where did it sink?”
The man showed him the place.
He cut off a branch and tossed it at the spot. The axhead floated up.
7 “Grab it,” he said. The man reached out and took it.

Elisha and some prophets were cutting some trees by a river to build a small house. The axhead broke off and sank into the river. The prophet had borrowed the axhead and cried out to Elisha for help. Elisha asked where it sank, tossed in a branch and the ax-head floated.

That is an amazing story of how powerful and supernatural God is. It is even more of an amazing story of how God is concerned with all things in our lives. Some people may think that God is only concerned with the spiritual things in our lives and not the small natural things. However because we have made Christ our Savior, all things are now spiritual things.

Everything we do is spiritual because we are spiritual beings, recreated beings, in the image of Jesus Himself. That is a sobering thought that everything we say, do or act on is a spiritual thing. When we keep this fact in our minds and hearts throughout the day, it will help us make the right decisions. It will also help us remember to pray even about the small things, because He cares.

When we recognize that God is with us in everything we do or say, we will be more careful about where we take Him and what we say. Everywhere we go, He goes and everything we see, He sees. When we walk into a room, because He is in us, the most powerful being in the universe just showed up!

In the same way He never leaves us or forsakes us, He also is always with us and a part of everything we do. We are forever connected together and He cares about everything that is connected to us, even the small things.