The Last Word



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Sometimes when we get into disagreements with people, we want to get that last word in. We feel whoever has the last word wins the argument.

27-28 From the four corners of the earth
people are coming to their senses,
are running back to God.
Long-lost families
are falling on their faces before him.
God has taken charge;
from now on he has the last word.

Here in Psalms we see King David calling out to God. He actually is foretelling of a time when people will come to their senses, recognize who God is and turn to Him for help. He states in this passage that God has taken charge and has the last word. When we call out to God and make Jesus our rescuer we give Him the last word when it comes to our life.

The Bible states that God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. That means He is also our beginning and our end. He alone has the last word when it comes to our lives. Cancer does not have the last word. Anxiety does not have the last word. Bankruptcy does not have the last word. Our mistakes do not have the last word. Our lives are in God’s hands because we have made Jesus our rescuer, our Savior. He alone gets the last word about our destiny.

Our neighbors father or mother can’t come into our house and correct our children or us. We can’t go to another’s person house and correct their children. We are God’s children and He alone is the One who gets to correct us. He gets the last word.

God’s correction is gentle, loving and non accusatory. He will let us know in our spirits when we have taken a wrong turn and will remind us, until we change our course, that we need to turn. Once we change our course He will never scold or make us feel guilty about something that we have already corrected or when we have already turned. The Bible states that the enemy of our soul, the devil, is the accuser. However he is not our father and has no right to speak to us at all.

Because we have accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus, we are in right standing with God. He now alone is our Father. He now has the last word in regard to our destiny and He also wins all arguments!

Let’s share that good news today. That God sent His Son into the world and whoever calls out to Him will be saved and rescued. That they can be reunited with their Heavenly Father and that He will now have the last word in their life. God is good and has great plans for us all!