
U turn

Sometimes we see the sign and sometimes we don’t. Do we make the turn or just keep going along in hopes that we will see the sign somewhere down the road?

2 Kings 23:25 (MSG)

25 There was no king to compare with Josiah—neither before nor after—a king who turned in total and repentant obedience to God, heart and mind and strength, following the instructions revealed to and written by Moses. The world would never again see a king like Josiah.

One of King Josiah’s aides brought news that a book of revelation written by Moses had been discovered by a priest within the temple. When King Josiah heard the words of the book he suddenly realized all that he and his people had been doing wrong and how far off track the country had gone. He quickly repented and called the priest of the temple as well as his aides to pray to God for mercy. The word came back from God about how angry He was at how the people had abandoned him for false gods.

The Bible says that when King Josiah heard the word of the Lord he not only repented but turned in total repentant obedience to God, heart and mind and strength, following all the instructions written by Moses. He also began to take actions to correct all that had been missed. The Bible says that the world would never again see a King like Josiah.

What a legacy to leave behind. We can learn a lot from this scripture. When we make a mistake or realize we have missed it, we should be like King Josiah,  turn in total repentant obedience to God, with all our heart, soul and minds. Let’s not spend the rest of our lives agonizing over our past but be swift to make a U-turn and proceed forward.

We show God how repentant we are by turning to him and by our actions after we turn. When we turn to God with all our heart, soul and mind, our actions will follow. When we miss it, and we will at some point, let’s not wait for a sign but be quick to make our U-turn back towards God. God sees our hearts and our actions. The world only sees our actions.

In the end we too can have God say, just as He did with King Josiah, that there will never be another one like us again. After all we are His unique creation, a one of a kind masterpiece made for relationship with God through Christ.

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