Victories defeat

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Victories defeat is always waiting to reclaim it’s thrown. Sometimes we are most vulnerable to defeat when we are basking in the glory of our latest conquest.

2 Chronicles 25:14-15 (MSG)

14-15 On his return from the destruction of the Edomites, Amaziah brought back the gods of the men of Seir and installed them as his own gods, worshiping them and burning incense to them. That ignited God’s anger; a fiery blast of God’s wrath put into words by a God-sent prophet: “What is this? Why on earth would you pray to inferior gods who couldn’t so much as help their own people from you—gods weaker than Amaziah?”

The King of Judea had just come back from a great victory. As a matter of fact before he went out to fight he had received a message from God to send back the hired Israeli troops, which numbered one hundred thousand. He obeyed God and sent the troops home. God gave him a great victory that day, with few in number, because of His obedience. However what the King did next was quite shocking. King Amaziah went to the temples of his defeated foes and took their false idols and proceeded to set them up as his own gods in Jerusalem. God sent a quick word through a holy man and asked him why he would do this? God asked him why he would be willing to serve false gods that could not even deliver their own people.

When we read this story we can say that this is a case of “what were you thinking, who could possibly be so blind”.

However how many times has God given us a victory over a particular sin or stronghold in our life, only for us to quickly go back to the same sin again?  False idols are everywhere in this world. They may not be made of stone or wood but can be made out of desires that are contrary to God’s word which lead us to sin. Sin separates us from God and leaves us feeling empty and hopeless inside. The bible says whatever sin we serve we become a servant of that sin.

It seems that when we win great victories over sin in our lives we are the most vulnerable to attack. The temptation will come to take the idol; sin defeated, and set it up once again as our false god. God sent His Son Jesus who purchased our freedom with His own life and blood.

We are free to choose life and freedom and are not slaves to sin or false idols. Let’s be on our guard as we celebrate our victories. We must be sober, vigilant and always on the lookout for victories defeat. We serve a mighty God and have no need to ever bow down to the idol of sin!

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