Worth Dying For


We meet a lot people in this life. We meet them at work, school, the grocery store, ball parks, neighbor hoods and yes church. All of the people we meet are not here by accident. No one asks to be born, we find ourselves here. Some are born to good situations and some not so good. There are some people who had loving parents, some uncaring parents, and even others without any parents in their lives at all. So many are raised without any knowledge of a loving God.

Acts 20:28 (MSG)

28 “Now it’s up to you. Be on your toes—both for yourselves and your congregation of sheep. The Holy Spirit has put you in charge of these people—God’s people they are—to guard and protect them. God himself thought they were worth dying for”.

Apostle Paul is saying in this passage that all people, God thought, were worth dying for. If God Himself thought they were worth dying for then how much more should we love and care for them.

As Christians we have been given a charge to pray, care and love even the unlovable. When we do this we are acting most like our Creator. We must remember that is exactly when Jesus died for us, when we were still in sin, acting ugly and not in relationship with Him. So let’s start fresh today with the loving heart of the Creator Jesus. Let’s reflect His great Love to a lost and dying world.

God thought that all the people’s of the earth were worth dying for and so should we. How do we die for them? We do this by dying to our will and desires. Jesus said we have to take up our own cross and follow Him. Apostle Paul said we have to crucify our flesh with the desires it has and follow the way of Jesus.

When we sacrifice our own will for the will of God, Jesus can truly be seen living in and through us. As long as we are in control, God can never have control and lead and guide us into His perfect will for our lives.

If we truly want to see the power of God in our lives then we must let Him have the power in our lives, our will. Once we die to self then we will truly see as He sees, that all the people around us are worth dying for.